After our first article on telekinesis we got a bunch of questions from people wanting to know more.  We got in touch with some experts at the Chakra Energy Institute who wrote us an awesome guide for anyone who wants to learn more about real Telekinesis!
What is telekinesis?
Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate movements within objects without physical touch, Telekinesis is not caused by any forms of energy related to heat, acoustic vibrations, static, air flow or magnetism of the common type although the causes of telekinesis and its mechanics are still unknown but yet many organisations have been able to repeat positive tests within a controlled environment hence how we know the above are not linked with the phenomenon of telekinesis.
Can anyone learn telekinesis?
YES anyone who wishes to dedicate their time to learn Telekinesis, Telekinesis can be easy learnt with the correct training provided anyone can learn within a short time.. Although it takes practice, dedication, the ability to direct energy both internally and externally.
So how do I learn telekinesis?
imagesFirstly you need to learn how to gain the sensitivity to feel and direct energy both internally and externally, allow the energy centres to become flushes from toxins and blockages so that the energy within the body flows more effectively, to do this you will need to learn a form of high level meditation, giving not all meditations are the same nor do they have the same ultimate goals you need to understand exactly what it is your looking for if you wish to take this seriously.
For the reasons of why you firstly need to learn high level meditations is simply because when using telekinesis you begin to break into your reserved energy within the body, just like when running you slowly start to burn away the calories that have been reserved within the body, when these reserves run out the body begins to shut down, well the same thing happens when you use the energy reserved within the body, if you start to use too much and intake nothing to replace what you have used you will slowly but surely start burn up the energy within the body resulting in effects such as fatigue, headaches, general loss of energy and more.
energyAfter achieving a high state of energy and you are now able to feel, gather, store and direct energy you can then begin to learn telekinesis but to do this you firstly need to choose the object you’re going to use, I suggest using the spiral ( The cut out for the spiral provided by the chakra energy institute is shown below ) The spiral is a simple object to learn telekinesis with it requires very little sensitivity, energy and concentration to be able to move using telekinesis and is a great tool to learn with helping you learn how to create movements, change directions and stop and start the object using your energy.
In or out of glass?
When practicing and learning telekinesis its best to learn and practice when the object is placed inside of a glass container with the container being airtight as much as it possibly can.  The reasons being is when performing out of glass unless using larger heavier objects you’re always going to be thinking of ways to prevent energies such as static, airflow and heat from moving the object and by doing this you’re taking away awareness from the object that you’re working with.
mqdefaultYou see that many people are performing out of glass and are covering their faces to show that they are not breathing or blowing on the objects or they begin to breath more gently,  by doing this they are placing awareness into what they are wearing, they are lowering air intake and they are taking away energy that is required to perform telekinesis..
Now if you are to perform with the object being placed within the glass you can be sure that as long as the glass is air tight that no matter how heavy you breathe it will not affect the object, you will now allow all of your awareness to sink into the object that you are using and you will not intake more air resulting in more energy intake that is needed to move the object, along with all of the above you can now be sure that when the object moves its telekinesis that is the cause.

How long should I practice for?
With any form of energy work it really depends on many factors but the rule of the thumb is when working with telekinesis you work until you begin to really loose interest or you become withdrawn from what you are doing, if you experience headaches it’s a sign to stop due to either having low energy or you have generally been concentrating for far too long causing the headaches.
Should I practice every day?
AvatarTheLastAirbenderWallpaper800When learning telekinesis its ideal to practice for 1 day and then recover for the next, treat telekinesis as a type of physical sport, by doing that you understand that no good will come from pushing yourself every day as in the end you will just end up making yourself become fatigue.
When doing things such as weight training we are placing stress onto our bones and muscles and when using things such as telekinesis we are placing stress on our energy field so it makes sense to have recovery days.
Patience is key!
Learning anything new takes time practice, dedication and the willing to do it, by spending 2 hours in one day and getting now results doesn’t mean that you’re not making progress, near all telekinesis progress comes from having no movements at all! Most people spend a few minutes each day for a few days and when nothing happens they either say its fake or telekinesis is impossible because they tried and failed but to learn telekinesis it may take up to 2 weeks to even get a small amount of movement so keep patient! It will happen and when it does you will thank yourself for keeping patient as all your hard work is starting to pay off.
How to use the spiral.
1.      Print the spiral cut out onto a piece of paper and cut it out.
2.      Object a piece of string as thin as or thinner than a strand of human hair.
3.      Tape the string onto the black dot located on the spiral.
4.      With the other end of the string either tape or tack it into the glass
5.      Place the glass onto a solid, flat non static material table and allow the object to set into a stationary position before working with it.
The Spiral cut out.
How to do basic telekinesis using the spiral:
This technique is extremely basic however is enough to allow you to create movements within a short time provided by the chakra energy institute.
1.      Begin to regulate your breathing for a moment until you become relaxed.
2.      Place all of your awareness onto the object by meditating whilst looking at the object.
3.      Begin to make mental feelings of motions within your mind and body, mental movements of either left or right and choose the direction that you feel more comfortable with. ( don’t be confused with mental motions and visualisation, telekinesis requires no visual techniques at all to work effectively ), you can move your hands or body to help feel this mental motion of movement.
4.      Have patience, practice and have fun!
Remember telekinesis takes practice, time, dedication and an understanding of both internal and external energy so don’t expect any movements to happen for at least 2 weeks.
Until then why not check out the videos provided by the chakra energy institute!
