Just like a river, spiritual information is constantly flowing by.  Sometimes sensitive people naturally reach out and touch these rivers of information.

Sometimes these abilities are also related to radio waves where we tune ourselves to pick up different frequencies.  This information is received by our higher or psychic senses and we typically are more dominant in one or two of these senses.

Some people who naturally tap into these senses can be a bit overwhelmed by it at first.   It takes time and practice but it can become a controlled and even fun experience over time.

We have five main senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  We also have psychic senses.  Typically we align these with our 5 basic senses because it makes them easier to understand and to train.  We also add in a 6th sense into the psychic sense list because there is a higher sense of intuition that is important when studying psychic abilities.

Psychic senses all start with the prefix of ‘clair’ from the French word meaning “clear”.  We are going to look at Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience,  Clairalience, & Claircognizance.

1. Clear Seeing Is known as Clairvoyance.

This is the ability that is most widely known and is the ability where we use the third eye to see beyond what our normal eyes could see.  Through meditation people are able to use this to remote view other places, other times and even see visions or glimpses of possible future timelines.

The level of detail seen depends on the skill.  Just like some people have better vision than others, some people see in full detail and color while others just get glimpses of far off places and have to figure out what it means.   People with Clairvoyance will sometimes become artists in order to express what they are picking up.

2. Clear Hearing is known as Clairaudience.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond.  Sometimes people hear music, words, or sounds in their minds that is beyond what we can normally hear.  For example a song will get stuck in their head only to find out that their best friend has been listening to that song all day.

Often people with this gift will become musicians, dancers, singers, speakers, or writers.  Sometimes their connection to music is so powerful that they almost have an out of body experience when listening to it.  Their connection to the vibration and meaning of words can also be far beyond the average person.

3. Clear Smelling is known as Clairalience.

Clairalience is the ability to pick up smells that are beyond what is in the physical world.  They may smell a particular cigar brand or perfume of a loved one and know that they need to give them a call.

They may also have an enhanced sense of smell and detect changes in the weather and predict coming storms.  Sometimes people who are dominant in this ability will enjoy tea ceremonies, tasting wine or planting flower gardens.

4. Clear Tasting is Clairgustance.

Sometimes people are able to taste beyond what is in their food.  For example someone might feel that their food in a restaurant tastes bad even though everyone else seemed to enjoy it.  What they might be picking up is that the chef was in a bad mood and what they are tasting is the negative energy in the food.

Also they may pick up tastes of food their close friends are eating.  Sometimes suddenly having the craving of a your grannies best cooking after she has passed can be a vibrational connection to the other side.

As you can probably guess people who are dominant in this area often enjoy cooking and trying exotic foods.  They can practically taste the culture and history behind the food and can be very picky.  These people are better at sensing harmful toxins in their food and even GMOs.

5. Clear Feeling is known as Clairsentience and also has strong ties to Empathic Abilities.

Clairsentience is being able to feel beyond into a friend or spirit.  This is often recognised in twins when one gets hurt physically and the other one feels it.  Sometimes mothers will suddenly just know that their child is hurt and even feel sore in their body where the child was injured.

The other side of this is the Empathic sense where emotions are shared.  Have you ever been really upset and unsure why?  Only to find out later that you best friend was really angry or upset?  We are more sensitive than we think and can accidentally pick up what other people are feeling.  People who are extremely sensitive in this area can be driving down the road, pass a complete stranger and get a rush of their emotions.

People who are dominant in these senses often look for ways to ease other peoples pain.  They become healers, therapists, motivational speakers, and over all sensitive and understanding friends.   If you have this sense you should check out our guide on how to protect yourself as an empath by clicking here!

6. Clear Knowing is called Claircognizance.

Claircognizance is knowing about events or people that you normally would have no way of knowing about.  Such as knowing intuitively that someone needs help or that there is an earthquake happening on the other side of the world.  Sometimes this gift will warn you that something is going to happen in the future so that you can be wise and prepare.

Though this gift can get a little confused with clairvoyance it is knowing on a deeper level than just seeing.  Often this is linked to faith and divine guidance.  Trust and follow your gut feelings and the flow will lead you to where you need to go in life.

Can I have all of the senses?

Yes.  We have all of the senses, however, sometimes they are dormant or waiting for us to reactivate them.  Sometimes we have had an experience or two in each of these areas but are taught to shrug it off as a coincidence.  What we need to first do is to recognise and acknowledge that we are experiencing something real; then we will be able to strengthen the senses through practice and meditation.

Have you had any of these experiences?  What other experiences have you had with you psychic senses?  Let us know in the comments!

Thank you for reading.

