We hear people talking about having good or bad Karma all the time but what really is Karma?  Does it affect my soul?  How can I change my Karma?
First things first, What is Karma?
  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    • informal destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
Check out this awesome video by Shunyamurti from the Sat Yoga Institute about Karma and how we change our Karma.
When we are in a deep state of meditation you can access these higher levels of consciousness and change your Karma if you wanted to.  Often though when we see the grand picture of our lives we actually find that we don’t want to change it because we recognize the value of experience and cleaning up our own vibrational mistakes.
How can we change it from our current state of consciousness?
There are two main ways to change our Karma here on earth.  One is through genuine love energy meditations and the other is through consistent good actions.
1. Love Meditation
When you are in meditation focus on sending love to everyone and everything in existence.  This Love has to come from a genuine space of giving with no thought of receiving.  On the highest soul levels there is no difference between you and everything else so you are actually never going without.
2. Good Actions
With a deep genuine spirit of giving you can make a lot of powerful waves for your life and the lives of those around you.  As long as we are always giving with the intent of loving others then when it ripples back to us we will receive genuine love.
Though we know that we will receive the fruits of our labor down the road we cannot have that be the motivation in why we are doing good.  Imagine how it feels to receive a gift with an expectation to give something else back.  It almost feels like a hook or an obligation.  Wouldn’t you rather receive pure love?  That is why we must always give with a loving intent.
