Flower of Life Candle

Hello you amazing people!!
First of all I’m super exited about meeting these souls who address the beauty of consciousness.  Every aspect of communication with you, is giving me enormous teachings. Thank you for being what you really are.
One more indigo on board and ready to fly!  My name is Can. In Turkish it means spirit, soul, life or essence.
Fortunately, I opened  my eyes not to long ago. By the end of the first year, my life changed amazingly! Now I’m doing things that are hard to believe how I’m doing them (thanks right brain).
The goal is, if we can, to resonance with ourselves, with life, and with this universe. We are starting to smile. That’s why I keep walking; step by step, day by day. For the first time in my life my heart is directing me, and everything going around it :D.
Meanwhile I found myself into the center of my passions. It’s hard to describe how I feel about it. In a sense I found my ecstasy, my path, my duty and I know we will climb as one.  Let me try to describe it little bit.

One day I made a wooden seed of life necklace and shared it with some people.
Seed of life necklace 1
I was thinking that if they like it, I can make more for them. After my post, I received an unbelievable positive energy form everywhere around the world! I’m working based on “Sacred Geometry”. I call it a “dance with Sacred Geometry”. I looked around and I connected my whole life within right now. An interesting thing about our connection is, I’m seeing the pattern into that geometry. And my path in this pattern is just as significant as yours.
 I am building an almost non-profit organization and taking a role for the shift.
For starting point, I started to doing some basic shapes for personal usage.
Elements mug mat 2Elements mug mat 2 stacked
And i thought who knows, maybe if someone sees a person who is wearing a flower of life earrings, a conscious conversation will spiral into existence.
The germ of life earings 1
In the second phase (soon), I will begin to work with:
Candle Sets
Transformation candle 1
ShadowsPhi candle 1 dark
Puzzles Transformation candle unassembled 1
Sacred Geometry
And CrystalsWecan_crystals
 …all based on sacred geometry.
We can begin researching into how having a few sacred geometric patterns around could raise the positive vibrations of your household. In the soon to be future we can follow Dr. Emoto by playing with the idea of positive energy towards nature and how it could effect us.


And in the third phase, I’ll will unite sacred geometry with
Living Plantssprouting-seed-72 copy
Animal Life Cat flower of life

Who knows what can we discover.. I don’t know the final proposition but I have a couple of starting ideas. And I completely feel the enormous energy that is coming day by day…
awaken 3
We are all talking about higher states, higher planes. To help pull people up.. I’m seeing We-Can as a doorway to reach the core. A window to enter their homes with conscious crafts. To influence and experience within in their lives every single day.. I feel that is the best present people can give..
After starting to create and listen to this idea, everything around me changed in positive way! My every need, provided by the universe (aka me, you, us..) It is time to join hands. I would like your opinions and feedback. Anyone who wants to help us with their geometric art, knowledge, and/or advice.
