Info about the PINEAL gland.

The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, conarium or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain.
The famous philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the “principal seat of the soul.” You’ve probably heard of this gland being the “third eye,” a mystical chakra point residing right in the middle of your eyebrows. It turns out these ideas aren’t too far off. The small, rice-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ known as the pineal gland sits alone in the middle of the brain and at the same level as the eyes.

 The primary function of the pineal gland is to produce melatonin. Melatonin has various functions in the central nervous system, the most important of which is to help modulate sleep patterns. Melatonin production is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light

4 Ways to Activate the Pineal Gland

Activating your pineal gland may be helpful for regulating mood, sleep, and energy levels. Here are 4 ways to get started.

1. Get Out and Into the Sun

Sun exposure kick starts the pineal gland and stimulates the mind. Any type of light exposure, either directly or indirectly, activates the pineal gland, prompting it to produce serotonin; the neurotransmitter responsible for mood and energy levels. This is why it’s crucial to avoid light after the sun goes down, because you need your pineal gland to produce melatonin and suppress serotonin. This process can only be accomplished by reducing light from electronics and lightbulbs as much as possible.

2. Sleep in Complete Darkness

A dark environment ensures your pineal gland produces enough melatonin to ensure good, restful sleep. Make sure you avoid backlit devices like phones, tablets, computer monitors, or TV right before bed. The lighting of these devices stimulates serotonin production, tricking your pineal gland into thinking it’s daytime, confusing your wake/sleep cycle.

3. Sun Gazing

Sun gazing is perhaps one of the most controversial exercises you can do to activate the pineal gland. Here’s the basics of the practice: within the first 15 minutes of sunlight at the beginning of the day and then the final 15 minutes of sunlight at the end of the day, you gaze into the sun for a couple of seconds, but only a couple of seconds. Again, sun gazing has its risks. Simply getting out in the sun and having your eyes exposed to light indirectly can help stimulate the pineal gland without having to stare directly.

4. Meditation

The pineal gland responds to the bioelectric signals of light and dark, and meditation activates this bioelectric energy. With practice, you can learn to direct this energy to this highly-sensitive organ.

5 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

If you’ve been exposed to fluoride, your pineal gland has some degree of calcification preventing it from working well. Here are a few ways you can decalcify:

1. Tamarind Fruit

The fruit from the African tamarind tree is extremely effective at removing fluoride from the body. One study found children given tamarind excreted significantly more fluoride in their urine compared to the control group and may halt or even reverse the effects of skeletal fluorosis.

2. Borax

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of borax (or boron) in a liter of water and take it in small quantities over the course of a day or two. Consult your doctor before using this method.

3. Zeolites

These volcanically-produced crystals have recently been discovered as a powerful way to detoxify your body. They break down hardened calcium that forms around toxic metals in tissue and removes these heavy metals from the body.

4. Cleanses

Regular cleansing enables the body to naturally remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, including fluoride.

5. Iodine

Halides like fluoride, chlorine, and bromine accumulate in your tissue if you’re iodine deficient, which is an increasing problem around the world. If you’ve cut back on salt and don’t eat a lot of seafood, there’s a good chance you may be deficient. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include chronic fatigue, thyroid disease, feeling cold or a low body temperature, and hormone imbalance. To get more iodine, eat foods rich in iodine, [link to article on sources of iodine] or take a colloidal iodine supplement for the best result.
