Relying on the latest dating technology, researchers determined that the paintings were about 10,000 years old.
According to the Times of India, the Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture said that its officials contacted NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for assistance to conduct detailed studies of the strange paintings dating back to prehistoric times.

Relying on the latest dating technology, researchers determined that the paintings were about 10,000 years old.
According to the Times of India, the Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture said that its officials contacted NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for assistance to conduct detailed studies of the strange paintings dating back to prehistoric times.

Indian archaeologists confirmed that the paintings appear to depict beings and crafts eerily similar to pictures of aliens and UFOs that a twenty-first century person familiar with Hollywood movies about aliens and UFOs might have produced.
Indian archaeologist J.R. Bhagat told the Times of India that the paintings depict beings dressed in costumes remarkably similar to Hollywood and Bollywood depiction of aliens in spacesuits. Bhagat said the paintings, made of natural pigment, include mysterious drawings that appear to depict flying saucer UFOs.

“The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years,” Bhagat said. “The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear [facial] features [corresponding to] nose and mouth.”

The paintings are in amazing shape for their age. Preserved in caves and in protected over hangs, we can see the craftsmanship and detail well. There is another image of a saucer like object that has fans coming off its hull. It is hard to look at the image and imagine anything but an UFO.
‘We can’t refuse the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things,’lead archaeologist, JR Bhagat, warns. ‘The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject.’
Image result for Chhattisgarh cave drawings
He is very serious when he says more research is needed. These cave paintings are in the Charama region, Kanker district in the tribal Bastar region. Bhagat was called in to verify that it was a legitimate find, which he confirmed. There are no specialists of any kind in the region. While invitations to study the paintings have been sent, no solid plans of study have been announced.
Paleocontact or the ancient astronaut hypothesis is a theory according to which intelligent beings of extraterrestrial origin could have visited Earth in the ancient times. According to archeologist JR Bhagat who took part in the research, the discovery of the rock carvings depicting aliens could be a confirmation of this theory.
The rock paintings, notes Bhagat, show that in the distant past people have suspected the existence of space aliens, and maybe have even seen them.

The rock paintings, notes Bhagat, show that in the distant past people have suspected the existence of space aliens, and maybe have even seen them.
The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers,” Bhagat toldThe Times of India.
At the same time, the images have a striking similarity with aliens shown in sci-fi movies. “The paintings are done in natural colors that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can’t refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things,” said the archaeologist.

alien rock painting
It is interesting that the inhabitants of the villages of Chandeli and Gotitola, near which the possible evidence of the contact of ancient humans with extraterrestrial beings was found, have a legend about small-sized people who came down from heaven, took away some of the inhabitants of these villages and never returned them back.
Currently, the Indian experts are planning to contact NASA for further study of the finding.
