Hold the Vision as Long as it Takes

Recently on the Goldfish Report Roundtable discussion  the Red Dragon Ambassador provided some warnings from a recent briefing that he had been given.  
He personally believes that Full Disclosure is “coming closer and closer but at the same time the world is getting more and more insane”. He warned that after September we will be seeing a big escalation of disinformation through mainstream media. He also warned about the alternative free media where there are some “insane people, compulsive liars and some disinformation agents”. 
I have warned readers in several articles over the past few years to be aware of the fact that the Jesuits have their agents of disinformation and manipulation planted literally everywhere. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing making sure that the Jesuits have a foot in every place where they can see change occurring. I agree entirely with the Red Dragon Ambassadors warning when he says “it is very important in these days when all things are going to be escalated and when all these traps are going to be put out to the population that they will be aware and use their discernment so that they don’t get hurt”.
Please remember these warnings in the coming weeks and months. You need to be fully aware that the false ‘light’ community will use every trick in the book to try to make you feel doubt in those working in the true light community. They would just love you to lose faith in what you believe in, increase fear and confusion and create disunity among true light workers if possible. Readers sometimes provide me with links and question confusing ideas often conveyed through so called channeled information from within the ‘light’ community. These fake channelers whose main goal is creating disunity often display their ignorance of the light by saying derogatory things about true light workers. They also display a lot of ego like for example adding their own names as a prefix to Love Energy from Source.
Through a channel I trust implicitly Archangel Michael has recently warned about false channeled information. Indeed, some of these channels are working for the Light and have good intentions but according to Michael “It is not that these channels are voices of darkness or plants or anything of that nature. It is simply that they are allowing their own internal understandings or scripts to be brought forth as universal truth. ”So this means we will be exposed to the fake ‘light community’ along with well-meaning but less mature true Lightworkers.
So the big word this Autumn on the internet will be discernment and discernment and discernment.
Mass Waking Up
As the madness continues to become more visible on this planet people are waking up en masse. This waking up process is like humanity emerging from a dream like state where our innate abilities and free will have been hijacked by archons and their allied minions by a multitude of covert nefarious means.
“but the initial decision of everybody on this planet to join this reality was free will choice, we signed the contract. We need to cancel that contract and use our free will again.
Hold on Tight to Your Vision
We really need right now and in the coming months to hold on tightly to what we know in our heart to be the truth. Cobra is always reminding us that we can reach the truth inside of ourselves. We stick to the highest of aspirations and the highest of ideals. We humanity deserve the very best and if we are sincere in holding onto the brightest of visions then we shall no doubt reach our goal. Remember that those cabal families have succeeded in controlling us within the matrix because they had agreed upon their vision. Their time is now over because so so many of us in much greater numbers have united our vision of a Nova Gaia where everyone is taken care of. 
In December of 2012 Cobra reminded us that from that point on there would only be a positive timeline ahead of us on Gaia. In recent days we have seen messages for the RM operatives on The Portal and the latest one from August 24th says “timeline integration complete”. So you can know for sure that there is absolutely no chance that any negative timeline can ever again take hold of this planet and what we are seeing now is the END of the cabal’s reign.
Remember no matter how crazy things might seem (and we all know that the majority of the crazy events are staged) on the surface in these final months on the road to liberation our position is one of sovereignty. Following our inner guidance will help us to remain in balance. We must listen to that still voice within at all times.
Our goal of peace on earth and abundance for all of mankind does for many seem highly ambitious. However, we KNOW that it’s completely feasible and that nothing will stop us from reaching it. There are way too many of us awake right now and our strength and numbers grow with each passing hour. The Master Plan for The Event has been in place now for over 4 decades and it will manifest at the perfect moment.
Surrounded by a Bubble of Protection
White-LightWe are aware that the cabal have by various and many means spent trillions on trying to poison us. I won’t even bother to list any of these ways as you no doubt have a list of your own. How do we support ourselves to survive these attacks at this time? We eat as well as possible as clean (if you can afford it organic) as possible. We drink a lot of clean – if necessary – filtered water. There are cheaper jugs available with filters to change about every six weeks if you wish to increase the quality of your water. 
We connect to Source daily. Me I ask Archangel Michael to surround me with a protective bubble of Light that completely prevents the entry of anything negative into my aura – be it physical or energetic. You can also do this if you like asking a favorite Archangel or Spiritual Being of Light like Gaia (She is also an Archangelic Being) to provide this protection for you.
