This seems to be discussed a bit recently on this site and I thought it was worth exploring.
Contactees like Alex Collier have talked in the past about how this universe has 11 densities and Earth sits at the 3rd density. I believe the A's that he is in contact with are in 5th density. Many of the entities behind the NWO are said to operate outside of 3D in the lower 4D realm. So we have these different densities.
Alex Collier also mentions how a 12th density is being created that is going to pull Earth up with it. And in doing so it will create many changes in the consciousness of humans on planet Earth. This also doesn't mean that everyone on Earth will enter this higher density, it's more or less the people that are ready for it. Earth could be split into 2 densities and continue evolving in both frequencies.
Many people have talked about similar stuff to this. We hear about ascension and moving into a higher consciousness and light bodies and all that stuff. And while I don't in anyway discount any of it, once again I think it is taking a lower level view of all this.
Let's start with what we are pretty sure we know, from near death experiences, research and individual meditation: we chose to be here. So 3D reality is not a mistake, it's not bad and it's not some unfortunate thing. We already exist as light bodies at a higher density. We already are gods. We already are one with god. We are already god at the highest level. So we're already there. We don't need to ascend or do any of that. We are already there. Our consciousness doesn't stem from 3D, or 4D or 5D or whatever else. Our consciousness stems from the highest levels of reality. If we truly believe in the oneness that we always talk about then we are already there.

So this reality here isn't some bad thing that we need to evolve everyone out of. People chose to come down to here to experience this frequency. This frequency is a choice that we wanted for reasons specific to each entity that forms as it develops an ego as it descends from source.
So are we supposed to save the planet and move into a higher density? What does that even mean? Why would we want to move Earth into 5D if at another "time" in frequency we would just choose to enter another 3D Earth environment while this current Earth has long ascended? It doesn't make sense to me. We're not trying to evolve or save or ascend anything.
Sure, we're trying to grow in consciousness and understanding and what many would call enlightenment. But once we reach that Nirvana where we have a cursory understanding of what is really going on here then what? Once we have reached peace within and have connected to our highest self then what? Once we take power over our own lives and love all that is then where do we really want to go and what do we really want to create?
At that point does it matter if you are in 5D or 3D or 2D or 8D? At the point when we reign over our current situation does it really matter where we are or what is happening to us? Energy and reality is infinite. This stuff has been iterating over many iterations infinitely. We've seen a lot. We've experienced a lot. We will experience a lot more. Will not we ever want to face challenges again? Will we not ever want to walk in ignorance again? Will we not ever want to step back into duality and other frequencies which pull us in ways not possible the closer we get to God? We chose it at least once. Why would we not choose it again? Infinity is a long time.
So what am I saying? I'm saying it doesn't matter where the Earth was, where the Earth is and where the Earth is going. What matters is where you are, your own expansion and your own energy. Are you at peace? Do you look forward to each new day? Are you living out the contract that you created with this body? Are you fulfilling the desires that you had for this 3D journey? Because once it ends another will begin. And you will never stop seeking new rockets of desire as you experience all that the universe has to offer. Are we truly able to live in the moment of now?
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