by author:spiritscience
Here is my year for you in 5 easy lessons
Lesson 1 
First, I am going to give some background.
At the end of 2013, I had just left a four year long relationship. The relationship had given me what I hadn’t had in years, dependability. Before being in that relationship, I had been in an abusive relationship for three years. I was a run away hopping from house to house in New York City, when I got pregnant. My son changed my life and I made my first move from being a victim. I moved into the comfort of my mother’s place. I wanted to be self-reliant and I was at least starting to asking of how I could be possibly  be confident and radiant instead of depleted and attracting energy feeders.
Then I met him another comfort, a sweet heart friend of mine from high school and he looked at me and treated me like he was the knight in shining armour and I was the princess in distress to be saved. My hero! The bonuses: He lived in my hometown where my best friend was, his parents were still together and great role models of how to build a reliable foundation. It was perfect. He asked me to marry him and although in the back of my mind I knew I was a gypsy who knew nothing about foundations, I wanted in my heart to be a part of something that lasted. I started working at a job for the first time where the boss actually believed in me and suddenly this washed up girl who had let someone have her heart and drain away all of it’s passion had the constant food for her soul to stand up again. The universe, God had answered her prayers and over the next four years her heart started ignited the same fire she had as child.
There was trouble in paradise though. The girl that was making all of these discoveries and shifting so fast, (especially in that last year of 2013) was not the girl she used to be. In this beautiful soft comfortable cocoon, that all of these loved ones had created for her; she had been metamorphosing into a butterfly and wanted to spread those wings. She wasn’t the quiet, quirky girl who listened intently to know what to do next, being pulled in any and every direction. She was the phoenix, the girl on fire again, the girl who rose again. I will never forget the last argument we had. He looked at me and said, ” I just don’t understand, I will love you if…” I stared back at him and in a loving yet urgent tone said,” I am never going to be that girl you fell in love with. That girl is gone.” We both sat in silence and suddenly the ego melted away to the synchronised inner knowing. We both cried, held each other and like the valiant knight he always was, he helped me on my way. In that was the lesson that was the last teacher of 2013 and the foundation for the rest of the story.
The lesson was that true love doesn’t come from another person. True love isn’t always measured in length but in quality. When I left the abusive relationship I was playing out a story, that I was deserving of another’s love and yet I didn’t receive it and in that I received other people’s love when they pitied my situation or the only time I allowed myself to love myself when offering myself solace or self-pity. I was basing my value system on someone else loving me and thus giving my power, my flow of natural energy out in someone else’s hands. Once I started loving myself and allowing myself to feel em-powered or in-powered there was no longer an empty space within. I started redefining what and when I deserved to give myself love. It is wonderful to have someone special or a few special people to remind you that love comes from within. (I am grateful I did, you know you you are ;) )
True love is in BEING that special person, you are your true love
and it comes from within because in that place is our infinite nature.
Lesson 2
January 2014 kicked off with a mind blowing, out of body realisation that I was not my experiences. That our minds select which experiences to drag along like a ball and chain strapped to this meat suit! I had just received long distances Reiki and in full headstand practicing on a wall, when it hit me. I am not all of this baggage I drag around with me. Maybe you know the expression that the bible talks about something like let the Lord carry your burden. This is a true invitation from a great book of ancient wisdom to live in the moment. Suddenly I could see all of the bondages that I had strapped to myself and burdened myself to carry. Experiences from my parent’s divorce, from breaking people’s hearts, from being a young mom and the list goes on.
I am not sure if you will understand this but even our association with small things like our name at this moment of realisation is something that seems foreign. I had skyrocketed, (take no with no drugs to catalyse this event) into another higher dimension where I was everything. This truth is so liberating. When you know that all you are right now is all of the purity of a clean moment. Everything else falls away and all that is left is infinite peace. Have heard the wise teachers say be in the moment? Well, start by letting go of the ideologies that you think define you.I am a free sovereign woman with no obligation to be anything but myself.
Were you an A student, what car do you drive, what is your cultural lineage? None of this even comes close to the center of your being, the center within all beings.
When you drop everything else, all the stories and just be.
You are universal perfection. 
Lesson 3
At the beginning of this year I started actually being able to see that everything is frequency and I was being taught by life demonstrating this to me. My thoughts were becoming more clear and amplified with feeling that were of a higher vibration. As I stepped more into my authentic self, I attracted friends online all around the world that were in this same vibrational state of moving through true love.
In that space of true love, I met someone who had that same inner compass. Finally someone who was not reliant on me being anything for them because they were already everything they needed and I was not reliant on them being anything but themselves. I attracted true love because I fell in love with myself and therefore felt comfortable being completely myself. This love within myself was liberating and the relationship I am in and attracted is liberating as well.
I realised that everything in my surroundings was mirroring my inner workings and feelings. So know even outside of romantic relationships, when I meet someone that person is the perfect mirror to reflect back to me what is going on deep inside myself. Instead of becoming offended by what someone else would say or do; I would dive deeper into the relationship with myself (not trying to fix the other person) to heal myself. If you want someone else to change, change how you are seeing that person. It may not change that person but you will be relieved of your ill feelings towards them. Don’t ever allow other people to steal your joy. You can’t control other people but you can choose to rejoice in your amazing ability to transform a situation by embracing positive perspective.
I would still express my sadness or hurt but more so I would look within to ask why and where is the root of this pain? I have a partner who understands this same concept. So when we communicate it is completely open because there is no blaming the other person. We know all things are an echo of within. We are always just projecting ourselves onto another, what we love about this person outside ourselves are areas we are comfortable with within ourselves and have healed. Things we are not comfortable with are areas that we have stored hurtful experiences about and must be address to further free our hearts to that pure state, so we can received joy and happiness at the highest level in life.
Our relationships become beautiful tools of ascension.
When we look at them with intention, we see our own reflection.
Lesson 4
Around late April came a crossroads, I was going to move across the world. I have always felt like you should go with the flow of life and when it feels like you are swimming against the current in life to just surrender and go with the flow. It takes resisting to cause the presence of resistance.  Moving across the world was the biggest move spiritually, physically and emotionally that I had ever done, let alone with a six year old at my side! It seemed like everything I needed to do in preparation for this was turning into chaos and it seemed the universe was subtly telling me to turn around, dead end ahead! I was terrified to cross an entire ocean and leave everything I knew behind me. But after facing all my fears in the states, seeing that exotic coast on the horizon our the plane window and finally playing in the unbridled wilderness that mirrored my own free spirit, I realised something. There is an equal and opposite force to everything within this universe and this was no exception.
When you resist a process, when you can feel your tummy tensing up and the stress collecting against and emotional situation. See there had to be something on the opposing side of resistance and what was that? Spiritual transformation. What you are resisting is the power and presence of positive evolution into your life. The flow of change and metamorphosis is flowing into your spectrum and if you just surrender, the flow of life will take care of the rest. To most surrender is a word that means you are giving up. But true surrender is to open yourself up, to let go of all of the past events, the blockages and old pathways that have caused loss or void in your life. To finally open your eyes to let in fresh perspective to facilitate the flow. Some may define surrender as an end but me, I see it as the most exciting beginning.
Let go and facilitate the flow.
Lesson 5
I had always known that in a past life I was a healer of some sort. Whether it was a ole time western doctor or a native american shaman. I carried this around since I was a little girl, I can assimilate herbal knowledge and the biological processes of the body so simply. Around the end of July of this year, I thought I would attempt that utilising that knowledge since I hadn’t since working for a chiropractor two years previous. My partners mother was very sick with a debilitating stomach ache, the origin of pain being under her right rib. I thought to myself, “I have seen this before, this must be a gallstone.” I advised her to go on a liver cleanse and after two cleanses with no stones the pain had seemingly subsided yet curiously now stones were expelled. His parents had planned a three month trip at the beginning of August and upon the end of the trip in October, the pain was back but ten fold. She couldn’t even walk!
After attempting another cleanse with no effect on the pain, It was time to go to the doctors and when the western medicine doctors could’t get her out of pain. We went to a naturopath and the herbal tonic she was given finally took the pain away. Meanwhile the doctors were stumped, after four weeks, falsely diagnosing her with parasites and finally a CT scan. The finally diagnosis was in: Stage 3 Cancer, didn’t see that one coming. This news side blinded everyone. There are ways to significantly slow this down, if not cure this but I couldn’t help but to think, why did I advise her to check on it? In my heart, I knew in the tiny voice within, that something was not right about this one. I didn’t listen though, I kept going with logic. Then my world shattered, I had let someone down in the worst way. I was not the healer I had claimed to be. Then I realised that no one ever heals anyone else.
The thing that is interesting is that when we dig to get to the bottom of how to heal ourselves this naturally spreads to others and effects their lives. That is what I have found through the process. With my writing, I never intend to heal others, I always expected my herbal knowledge to do that but it is beautiful how everything is all interconnected. I used to really seek it out to want to be the change, to want to be the healer, I seemed to run further from the truth and my ego prevailed. When I started to change my life and actually look within to listen, I become the change in my soul and the universal soul responds to that. There is process to my partner’s mother’s dis-ease, I and everyone around her including the doctors are just a facilitators to support that process.  No one can ever heal you because you are the greatest healer and healing in your life, the world and universe over.
I can never say that I am the healer of you.
You are your greatest healer.
I am the healer in me.
And Lastly,
Lesson 6
These last two lesson 5 and 6 came simultaneously, it was a strategic shattering of reality that was necessary for to continuing opening.It will sound strange at first but I think some of you will understand.
Nothing I have ever written or will write is my own.
I have a creative process just like everyone else where I feel I get unique information but the truth is we are all connected to the same circuitry, the same universal information source. I sometimes write after reading different pieces of literature I have been reading and there is a kind of run off effect that takes place but this lesson was different. I had never read this unique poem, maybe heard something like it within my journey called life and I had a striking resemblance to a famous writers poetry. I was called out and said that of course, I was trying to plagiarise or steal someone else’s work. I was devastated. I took down my writing and sat in silence. This feeling was the for shadowing to my holiday season this year. Were any of my writings actually mine? Is anyone actually getting information from unique sources? Isn’t everyone just taking all the accumulated knowledge they know and letting their minds create unique ways of inter-relating them to relay the information from a different perspective?
I had to let down my ego of saying this information is uniquely mine.
That  thought, “Nothing is truly yours.” hurts in a world that teaches you a value system on what you uniquely produce. We do produce it unique but there are several models within the leak of the universal grid. When you take a look at people who built the ancient pyramids of civilisation how did all of them look so similar yet there seemed ;) there was no way of over seas communication between these cultures?
That was my realisation. I am a fractalized piece of the whole. I am a unique snowflake within a snow cloud of snowflakes that look similar to me. We are the sum of the whole and anything that I write I genuinely try to relay from the direct source and be the first to give this unique information since that is what is valued in our society but I always know my ideas and writing are coming from a higher source. I know know this. I am grateful and at anytime there is a synchronicity I will know it is a complement.
