Welcome back everyone!  Now that we’ve all settled into the New Year, let’s begin with some new content! This is issue 12 of Astral 101, which seems very fitting coming into 2012.  Today, we will be introducing OBE’s (out-of-body experiences), something I’ve been reluctant to introduce, but I digress.  We will be talking about what they are, how they are different from what I’ve been presenting, the pros and cons of each experience, and the particular environment that an OBE will bring you to: the Real-Time Zone.  But before that, we will always begin with our lucid lesson (which will be longer than usual, hence why I`m only introducing OBE`s).

Lucid Lesson

The path of the lucid dreamer is a long and cryptic journey of self exploration.  In order to excavate the many layers of self, we must develop certain behaviours, beliefs, and intentions relative to each layer in order to experience only what we can handle.  Many of the techniques I have discussed thus far are somewhat advanced and aren’t expected of beginner lucid dreamers.
‘So then where do we go from here’ you ask?

Robert Waggoner, our inquisitive companion of lucid literature, has fortunately given us a layout of the “Five Stages of Lucid Dreaming”, showing us how we should, and usually will, behave at each layer of exploration into the subconscious.  His layout along with my commentary will allow us to understand where we are on the journey of lucidity and where we should be moving next (when we are ready of course).

Stage 1. Personal Play, Pleasure, and Pain Avoidance

I Dream: Dreaming reflects only me, my personal realm

Behavior: Play, pleasure, stability, and dealing with attractions and distractions

Goal: Maintaining lucidity

Reality Creators: Focus and emotional control

Direction: If dreaming reflects me, then I must learn to control it

Fear Blockage: Can’t control it, unlike physical reality

Neutral Stasis: Lucid dreaming involves fun, pleasure, and pain avoidance

This is the stage that most lucid dreamers begin with.  Since lucidity is a relatively new sensation, the dreamer should begin to experiment with the pleasure and feeling of lucid dreaming while avoiding strange, frightening, and weird phenomena within dreams.  For most, the idea is to remain in this state as long as possible to prolong the fun, and this is usually done (in this stage) with focus and emotional control.  There is nothing wrong with this, as it is the stepping stone to understanding what is possible while lucid.  Lucid Dreams are usually very brief at this stage, usually collapsing in 3 minutes or less.

Stage 2. Manipulation, Movement, and Me

I Dream: Dreaming reflects me and my control

Behaviour: Manipulation, direction, elongation, and experimentation

Goal: Manipulating objects and others in the dream space

Reality Creators: Belief, expectation, and suggestion

Direction: I can control it if I use more power

Fear Blockage: Objects and figures difficult to manipulate

Neutral Stasis: Lucid dreaming involves mental playthings; they are as I expect them to be

Other Factors: False awakenings may occur

Eventually, the lucid dreamer will begin to understand their ability to manipulate the dreamscape, and the ego self will then emerge to assert its control.  In this stage, we experiment with our control through changing objects and environment to what we desire and by experiencing new forms of movement such as flying; usually by means of arm flapping and swimming (I sometimes catch myself still using this method of flying).  Dreams last a bit longer than before, usually not exceeding 6 minutes.

Stage 3. Power, Purpose, and Privacy

I Dream: Dreaming reflects me and my power

Behaviour: Creation, destruction, going over, under, and through

Goal: Complete ability to manipulate objects and others in the dream space

Reality Creators: Intent and Will

Direction: If my control and power can’t do it, there must be more going on

Fear Blockage: Things do not follow my command; confusion; self as the ultimate limitation

Neutral Stasis: By will and intent, I can make whatever I want happen

At this stage, most lucid dreamers recognize themselves as a sort of god or lord in their dream realm, moving up to manipulation with intent and will rather than expectation and suggestion.  They may even express to their dream figures that they are God.  Everything becomes a power struggle. This is a stage that not many lucid dreamers get past, because they still fall under the pretense that they control the dream rather than direct their awareness through it.

Stage 4. Re-reflection, Reaching Out, and Wonder

We Dream: Dreaming reflects both me and other

Behaviour: Surrender, letting go, trust versus fear, the new paradox of awareness

Goal: Trying to understand the complexities of the dream space

Reality Creators: Using the other- the unknown inner awareness

Direction: If more is going on here, then I must be stuck in another system; getting lucid about lucid dreaming

Fear Blockage: Could I lose touch with waking reality? metaphysical concerns

Neutral Stasis: In association with inner awareness, I can explore infinity

At this stage, dreamers learn that they are not entirely in control, and that there is a bigger awareness behind their commands and their expectations.  They may even find unexpected responses happening.  The dreamer begins to recognize a ‘hidden observer’ in the dream that seems to be intelligent and creative, which we would understand as the Higherself or the Highermind.  Lucid dreamers begin to explore the knowledge of this ‘hidden observer’ by shouting out questions to the subconscious mind. I have recently entered this stage.

Stage 5. Experiencing Awareness

ALL Dream: Beyond me, beyond other; awareness without reflection

Behaviour: Awareness

Goal: Understanding what is beyond lucid dreaming

Reality Creators: Deep intent and realizing connection

Direction: Using the analysis of dimensions to move past the representational

Fear Blockage: Loss of connection with representational dimensions

Neutral Stasis: All exist as part of a larger, connected whole

 After delving into the identity of the hidden observer and integrating with that aspect of ourselves, we will then realize an even greater connection with the universe.  The experience has been documented as pure awareness and pure light without a sense of self.  In this stage, the lucid dreamer develops a curiosity that provokes them to undergo the process of ego death and become a part of Oneness.  This is a very mysterious experience, as anything can happen and anything can be learned or experienced objectively.

For more information on all of this, I urge you to read the book Lucid Dreaming by Robert Waggoner, as there are so many dream logs describing and analyzing all of these stages and their implications from a scientific perspective.

Now, onto what you`ve all been waiting for.

Out of Body Experiences

Okay, so let clear a couple things up.

Until this point in Astral 101, I have only covered half of Astral Projection . In Astral 101: Introduction, I said that there were two types of Astral Projection; conscious and unconscious.  So far I have only talked about conscious APing, which I have named Astral Extension.  This is when you extend your awareness outside your body and into the 4th/higher dimensions through meditation, but you are still conscious.

On the other hand, unconscious APing, which is known as an OBE, is when your whole consciousness or spirit leaves your body temporarily to explore the astral realm or to communicate remotely in a desperate situation.

I haven’t introduced this yet for many reasons, one of them being that I am not adept in the OBE method, but I still understand it a great deal and can definitely offer help with it. Let’s look at the pros and cons of each method.

Conscious AP (a.k.a Astral Extension)


- Can be achieved through meditation in a short amount of time

- Safe due to your body not being left uninhabited

- Strengthens connection with higherself

- Easy and efficient movement

- Cannot get lost in Astral realm

- Can explore even higher dimensions


- Takes an already established relationship with higherself

- Less visuals and not as much stimulation compared to OBE’s

- Takes practise to maintain verifiable accuracy (to sort out your mental assumptions)

- Takes mental focus and discipline

Unconscious AP (a.k.a OBE’s)


- Very vivid experience

- Can be maintained for a very long time due to no physical sensations

- More like a lucid dream, so same mechanics can be applied

- Always a legitimate experience if done successfully

- Allows for communication with physical as well as astral beings (if mastered)

- Very hard to accomplish as a beginner
- Even when mastered, takes quite a while to go through the process
- Can accidently happen if not grounded
- Can get lost in the Astral realm if not careful
- Body is vulnerable to psychic attack/possession
- Only achievable through sleep paralysis or anaesthesia

All of that being said, we can conclude that Astral Extension is a safer option to start with.  This is why I chose to focus on it.  We will begin to get into OBE’s a little more, but we will still focus on Astral Extension primarily.  The purpose of Astral 101 was to teach people how to experience the higher dimensions safely and efficiently, and I wish to uphold that intention, so I will teach OBE’s in the safest way I can.

Frequency Jumps

What people don’t realize about OBE’s is that when they astral project, they do something called a Frequency Jump.  At this point, I’ve explained that everyone has a frequency or vibration within their current dimension and that it is visually described by their aura.  Someone’s whole personality and conscious lens is described by these colors or frequencies.  Say for example, my aura was red.  I would be described as an individual who was very survival-based, always worried about money, very impulsive and instinctual.  If I were to astral project, I would manifest occurrences and attract entities that resonate with my aura.  I would be on the lowest end of the spectrum in the fourth dimension, experiencing negative entities living a survival-based existence; what some would call hell.  However, if my aura was Violet, I would discover a more spiritual, cosmic place with beings of light; what some would call heaven or Summerland.  This happens because when you astral project, you jump an octave in frequency.  It would only make sense that you were the same being you were in the third dimension, just in the fourth dimension. This is what is meant when it is said you create and experience your own reality in the Astral.

In explaining this, I want to say to anyone who wants to try Astral Projection to consider what their aura or frequency is and if it does not line up with the kind of reality you want to experience, then consider a path of inner spiritual growth before attempting this.  This will give you a sure fire way to verify that you are safe.

How do you raise your own vibrations?

Well, by getting out of old habits and adopting new ways of thought and action that will benefit you and others.  If you discipline yourself to a good cause, you will find yourself changing and becoming a different kind of person, or, more like yourself.  Personally, what I have found to be THE best way to raise frequency is to adopt a healthier diet such as vegetarianism or veganism.  You’ll notice almost immediately how much ‘lighter’ you have become, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Now, to rap up this article with the unique experience associated with OBE’s-

The Real Time Zone

The Real-Time Zone is an area/void in between the third and fourth dimension.  Most beginner astral projector’s start here in order to bridge their way to the fourth dimension.  It looks exactly like the third dimension, but with a fourth dimensional ‘twist’ complete with the occasional appearance of other entities.  It is meant to mirror the third dimensional experience and is somewhat holographic in the sense that you can move through walls and objects and there are slight fluctuations in the physical matter.  It’s like the residual from one’s experience in the third dimension, and it uses the same mechanics as lucid dreaming.  This happens because we need to leave from and get back to our physical bodies during an OBE.  This is not the area you should explore, as it is exactly like what you’ve already experienced.  Try to allow your intention and will (like in lucid dreaming) to send you into the actual Astral realm, where you will experience more cosmic, unfathomable things.  If you don’t understand what that means, just fly out into space as far as you can go and it just might take you there (depending on your own frequency of course).
