Why does the universe exist and why should I care?  What is so important about thinking about how we and the universe came about?
“Why is there something instead of nothing? In other words: Why does the universe exist (and why are we in it)? Philosopher and writer Jim Holt follows this question toward three possible answers. Or four. Or none.” -TEDx

What does that mean to me?  Why should I care?  Even if you dodon’tgree with anything this guys said what is important is that you are asking yourself these key questions.  Why are we here?  If there is a god then what created god?
If you have studied the Tao it talks about the force that makes all of creation possible.  It says that this force is beyond words and concepts that we can explain with words.  So perhaps in the end language is too limited and we will need those 5 more Einsteins to help wake us up enough to remember where we really come from.
Or maybe words are too low of a vibration to ever encompass all that is.
