China Still Growing At 7% Annually: A Rate That Still Dwarfs Anything In The Cabal West.

China Executes Keynesian Bankers aka; Rothschild Henchmen.
China Executes Keynesian Bankers aka; Rothschild Henchmen.
Western markets are only panicking about China because their own economies are so fragile
The west’s bears have always well outnumbered the bulls when it comes to the Chinese economy. A new problem is all too often seen as an intimation of impending crisis, a hard landing, consequent social instability, and perhaps the eventual collapse of the regime.
Dream on.
The bears, it goes without saying, have a dreadful record. After 35 years of extraordinary economic growth, China is still growing at 7 per cent annually. True, that is lower than before, but still at a rate that dwarfs anything in the west.
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Corruption, embezzling, drug-related crimes, and even theft on a large enough scale can all get you killed in China. Last month, a Chinese telecommunications executive was sentenced to death for accepting bribes. In March, China sparked a diplomatic incident by executing three Filipino citizens on drug trafficking charges. Other non-violent crimes punished by death have included, for example, 43-year-old Du Yimin, killed in March 2008 after he borrowed $100 million for investment schemes that never panned out.
Corruption, embezzling, drug-related crimes, and even theft on a large enough scale can all get you killed in China. Last month, a Chinese telecommunications executive was sentenced to death for accepting bribes. In March, China sparked a diplomatic incident by executing three Filipino citizens on drug trafficking charges. Other non-violent crimes punished by death have included, for example, 43-year-old Du Yimin, killed in March 2008 after he borrowed $100 million for investment schemes that never panned out.
One of the great weaknesses of so much western economic commentary is that it fails to look much beyond the next quarter’s, or month’s, results. In contrast, the Chinese understand where they have come from, where they are and where they need to go. They also readily admit they face new economic challenges.

It is instructive then to look at China’s global role since the financial crisis. When the western economies were on their knees in 2007-08, the Chinese economy rode to the rescue. Although the actions of the Beijing government were primarily motivated by self-interest, they also had the effect of saving the western economies from a fate far worse.
Confronted by the near-collapse of their western markets, which accounted for around half of Chinese exports at the time, China embarked on a $586 billion stimulus programme to boost domestic demand and offset the loss in demand for their exports. It worked. The Chinese growth rate continued to expand at around 10 per cent and thereby provided a major boost to the global economy.
Furthermore, following those dark days, the Chinese have allowed their currency, the renminbi, to steadily appreciate, by more than 25 per cent against the dollar since 2005. As a result, Chinese exports have become considerably less competitive and have fallen.
Meanwhile, its current account surplus has dropped dramatically, from 10.1 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 2.1 per cent last year. Imagine the effect on other economies if the opposite had happened and the renminbi had been devalued by 25 per cent.
The growing importance of the Chinese economy for the health of the global economy is illustrated by the fact that the U.S.’ GDP has grown by just over 10 per cent since 2008, while over the same period China’s has increased by about 66 per cent.
China Derivatives
Acute problems
That said, the Chinese readily accept that the stimulus programme has led to a multitude of acute problems: chronic over-investment in industries responsible for infrastructure, excessive debt, a property market overhang and growing financial problems in local government.

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They are also deeply aware that the stimulus has served to delay the most urgent economic challenge of all: a structural shift in the Chinese economy. As a result, Beijing has found itself fighting on two very different fronts at the same time: the short-term problems posed by the stimulus programme and the long-term imperative of a structural shift.
The rebalancing of the Chinese economy is making surprisingly rapid progress. In 2014, the share of services in China’s GDP was 48.2 per cent, comfortably ahead of the 42.6 per cent accounted for by manufacturing and construction, with the gap steadily widening. Employment has remained buoyant, as the service sector absorbs relatively more people than manufacturing, since it is more labour-intensive.
  1. There is also now evidence that the Chinese economy is becoming increasingly innovative. Online shopping already accounts for more than 10 per cent of retail sales and is growing at 40 per cent per annum.
  2. China’s express delivery and Internet financial services are world-class and in sectors such as advanced machinery equipment, electrical machinery and smartphones, Chinese firms are rapidly catching up with the global leaders. China To Cut Out Microsoft & Google.
  3. Nor should we ignore China’s energy revolution: wind, water and solar power account for nearly a third of its total electricity generation capacity.
The western preoccupation with headline GDP figures overlooks this deeper structural shift. Ultimately it is the ability of the Chinese economy to make the transition from a labour-intensive, investment-led, export-oriented economy to one based on value-added production and domestic consumption that will be crucial to its long-term future.
This, however, should not deflect attention from the short-term risks. China’s chronic debt problem — partly corporate; partly property; partly financial — could lead to a massive deleveraging and consequent economic contraction.
