The Cause Of The Revolutionary War ~ Unfunded Paper The Species Of Fraud.

George Washington unfunded paper money

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution, and later became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797.
Even though it is still early in the 2016 election season, it’s not hard to imagine why many voters are already sick of hearing from politicians. The empty promises, the lies, the attacks, and the counter-attacks don’t accomplish anything for the American people. Meanwhile, the national debt keeps growing unsustainably with no realistic plans being put on the table to shrink it down.
One of the first things General George Washington would surely do today is end the reign of fiat money.
In a 1787 letter to Jabez Bowen, Washington wrote:
“If in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy. Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body.”
The Founding Fathers understood the dangers of fiat money and central banking far better than most politicians do today. Today’s U.S. Federal Reserve Note dollars are an abomination that have no basis in the U.S. Constitution.
George Washington Silver Certificate
The Coinage Act of 1792 defined a dollar in terms of silver. A dollar was specifically worth 371.25 “grains” of silver (equal to about three-fourths of an ounce).
Silver played a role in defining and backing the currency until 1965. That’s when the U.S. Mint ceased producing 90% silver dollars, half dollars, quarters, and dimes.
Of course, investors can still buy U.S. 90% silver coins minted in 1964 and earlier. They are priced based on the current value of their silver content, plus a small premium. The gap between the silver value of the coins and their face value represents the depreciation in the purchasing power of the dollar since they were minted.
Nixon Closes Gold Window:
The last real link the U.S. still had to sound, Constitutional money was finally broken in 1971, when President Richard Nixon suspended gold convertibility. From then on, no foreign government could redeem their dollar reserves for gold. And the dollar, now a purely fiat currency, began losing value at more rapid pace.
BankingThieves Claiming U.S. Wealth Of Gold/Silver And In Its Place Like A Tooth Fairy Leaving Only ‘Worthless Fiat Unfunded Currency’.
~ Click To Enlarge ~
At the same time, government debt growth began accelerating. In 1971, the national debt stood at $398 billion, 34% of GDP.
Today, the government owes a staggering $19 trillion, representing 99% of GDP. That’s just what’s on the books officially. The $19 trillion national debt doesn’t account for tens of trillions more in unfunded liabilities.
George Washington warned that unbacked paper money will “ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice.” How right he was.

The Breakaway From Fraud

Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes The Start Of The Warnings! Father Of Anonymous 1606!
Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes The Start Of The Warnings! Father Of Anonymous 1606!
How did England deal with a corrupt puritan government/parliament?
The corrupt Puritan Parliament which murdered Guy Fawkes in 1606, was executed by the returning King Charles II in 1660, for usurping the laws of England The Magna Carta similar To Our U.S. Constitution.


The Beginning Of The United States & England’s Monarchy Inquisitions Of Catholics:

Severe Catholic Persecution Began Under Henry VIII (1509-47)

King Henry Murdered 7 Catholic Canonized Martyrsand 33 Catholic Blessed Martyrs From the execution of two cardinals, two archbishops, 18 bishops, 13 abbots of large monasteries, 500 priors and monks, 38 University Doctors , 12 Dukes or Counts, 164 noblemen, 124 private citizens and 110 women. These were all without the excuse of any particular reasons of State. Total 983.
All because he wanted a divorce, ole Henry had 6 wives, some were beheaded, & poisoned.
Generally speaking the persecution of Catholics in England and Wales in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries came in waves, caused by particular incidents or circumstances, with intervals of comparative respite in between. The first wave was in the time of King Henry VIII, from 1534 onwards, when by act of Parliament the king became “supreme head of the Church in England”, up to the end of the reign in 1547.
From these years there are seven canonized and thirty-three blessed martyrs; the best known are Sts John Fisherand Thomas More, mentioned above, both put to death in 1535. None of the present martyrs, however, suffered in this reign. ewtn

England’s Anti-Catholic ‘PENAL LAWS’

Elizabeth I (1558-1605)

Lizzy 1 murdered 48 Catholic Priests (including one Dominican and two Jesuits) and murdered 20 Catholic Laymen, all except two were condemned under the new Elizabethan laws.
The murderous Queen Elizabeth I was responsible for the killing fields of Ireland, which ran red with the blood of innocent victims. It is estimated that 1.5 million Irish Catholic peasants were starved or “put to the sword” and their lands seized by English predators, while she 
Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment)

Does this sound familiar in depopulating one’s enemy?

Puritan Lizzy 1 even imprisoned & murdered her own first cousin Mary, Queen of Scots who was Catholic.
Henry VIII was succeeded by his son Edward VI (1547-53) and during his reign Protestantism became established as the religion of England, but there was no active repression of Catholics. Edward was followed by Mary I (1553-58), daughter of Henry VIII; she was a Catholic and under her Catholicism was restored but only temporarily. Elizabeth I, another daughter of Henry VIII and a Protestant, succeeded Mary in 1558 and Protestantism became the State religion of England once again, now to remain so permanently.
By an Act of Parliament of 1559 Elizabeth was made “supreme governor” of the realm “in all spiritual and ecclesiastical things”, in other words, head of the Church as well as of the State. During the early years of her reign no great pressure was put on Catholics to conform to the “Established Church” of the new regime, but the situation changed rapidly from about 1570 onwards, mainly as a result of various events in England.
First there was the Northern Rising of 1569, an unsuccessful rebellion by Catholics in the north of England seeking the restoration of Catholicism and the release of the imprisoned Mary Queen of Scots, the Catholic cousin of Elizabeth and in Catholic eyes the rightful heir to the English throne.
Then in 1570 Pope St Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth and released her subjects from their allegiance to her, which naturally increased the English government’s hostility towards Catholics.
The incorrupt remains of Pope St. Pius V (d. 1572), enshrined in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome.
This Pope was distinguished for being an excellent leader of the Catholic Church during the moral and spiritual corruption that was rampant in England during his time. His personal integrity and sanctity were reknowned even before his election to the Papacy, and there is also ample evidence that the Lord favored him with mystical gifts, which he exercised for the benefit of the Church.
Shortly after, from 1574 onwards, priests from the newly founded seminaries overseas—at Douai and Rome and in Spain—began to arrive in England, and the first Jesuit missionaries came in 1580. The activities of this new generation of priests alarmed the government and the result was that severe laws against Catholics, the “penal laws”, were soon enacted. An Act of Puritan Parliament of 1581 made reconciliation to the Catholic Church treason, and another Act in 1585 “against Jesuits and seminary priests”, the most infamous of all these laws, proscribed as treason the very presence of a Catholic priest in England and made it felony for anyone to shelter or assist him.


Treason and felony were capital crimes and thus many Catholics were to suffer death under these laws.
Finally, in 1588 there was the Spanish Armada, which carried an army intended for the invasion of England and the overthrow of the Protestant Queen and her regime. The expedition failed, but for English Protestants it was the ultimate proof that the Pope and Spain were in league with English Catholics against them and that the returning priests and those to whom they ministered were the agents of foreign powers organizing, a fifth column in their country.
The repressive anti-Catholic laws were now enforced rigorously, and thus during the last thirty years or so of the sixteenth century English Catholics underwent the longest period of sustained persecution in their history. Of the present eighty-five martyrs, sixty-eight suffered in these years, between 1584 and 1601, i.e. forty-eight priests (including one Dominican and two Jesuits) and twenty laymen, all except two condemned under the new Elizabethan laws.
The Twelve Days Of Christmas Began Here With The Hate Filled Elizabeth!
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written in England as one of
the "catechism songs" to help young Catholics learn the tenets of
their faith - a memory aid, when to be caught with anything in
*writing* indicating adherence to the Catholic faith could not
only get you imprisoned, it could get you hanged, or shortened by
a head - or hanged, drawn and quartered, a rather peculiar and
ghastly punishment I'm not aware was ever practiced anywhere else.
Hanging, drawing and quartering involved hanging a person by the
neck until they had almost, but not quite, suffocated to death;
then the party was taken down from the gallows, and disembowelled
while still alive; and while the entrails were still lying on the
street, where the executioners stomped all over them, the victim
was tied to four large farm horses, and literally torn into five
parts - one to each limb and the remaining torso.
The Under Ground Catholic Catechism ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’
  1. Partridge in a pear tree = Jesus Christ, The Son of God.
  2. Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments
  3. French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues
  4. Calling Birds = the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
  5. Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the “Pentateuch”, which gives the history of man’s fall from grace.
  6. Geese A-laying = the six days of creation
  7. Swans A-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
  8. Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes
  9. Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
  10. Lords A-leaping = the ten commandments
  11. Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles
  12. Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed
The historicity is among primary documents in Latin  from Irish priests, mostly Jesuits, writing back to the motherhouse at Douai-Rheims, in France. These documents  mentioning this was purely as an aside, and not at all as part of the main content of the letters.  In those days, even though there are those who will deny this, too, it was a sufficient crime between 1538 and nearly 1700 just to BE a Jesuit in England to find oneself hanged, drawn and quartered, if he fell into the hands of the authorities.
Edmund Campion was not the sole Jesuit in England during the period.  And there are places in England itself which, if you visit them, will attest to the antiquity and veracity of the article.  Some have tried to cover over the meaning like, but they use only innuendoes and no circumstantial evidence. Barbara and David Mikkelson are the owners of Snopes and are puritan extremists who reside at the Democratic in California.
One their articles at the Democrat Underground was titled, Holy Mother-Fucker The Church it was posted by Nance Greggs on Friday March 06th 2009, 11:14 PM. So one can easily see the correlation of hate and partiality in Snopes veneer of objectivity. Some have also referenced the Catechism in books as a childhood game ~ yet the inception of the poem, had far more meaning in a time of death when published Catholicism was not allowed in english let alone in Latin.

As William Wallace (Brave Heart) ~ Guy Fawkes Fights Back Against Severe Persecution, Tyranny, And High Taxation Of Catholics For Not Attending The Protestant Church Of England:

Roman Catholic William Wallace With Saint Andrew’s Cross ~ Later Becoming The Rallying Confederate Flag For The Scottish/Irish Catholics. William Wallace was Braveheart and his ensign was the Cross of the crucified Apostle St. Andrew, later called the Southern Cross of the Confederate Battle Flag, for all the Scottish immigrants.
95% of all southern people had no slaves, were poor, and disproportionately taxed by the North. William Wallace a devout Catholic, is seen as another Saint Joan Of Arc, whom both fought the corrupt Monarchy and won their freedom. This was an actual precursor to the founding of The United States Of America. Roman Catholic Father White broke bread in Maryland (Named After The Mother Of God) in the 1600s.
The Monarchy is still seething about all the break aways and is going for broke. In their campaign of a New World Order, they are utilizing their secret societies aka; illuminati/bilderbergs etc., to manipulate and destroy Our Republic Judicial/Political system.
One can easily understand why the Monarchy hates Roman Catholics and has been smearing The Church as they did during the days of Hitler. Pray our Bravehearts step forward to protect Our Country from this dated tyranny!

“This is the truth I tell you: of all things freedom’s most fine. Never submit to live, my son, in the bonds of slavery entwined.”

— William Wallace

Birth Of The Confederate Flag

The Gun Powder Plot

Remember, remember, the 5th of November; The Gunpowder Treason and plot; I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason;
Should ever be forgot.

King James 1 (1603-25)

King James 1 murdered 7 Catholic Priests And 2 Catholic Laymen


King James 1,  Another Supporter Of King Henry VIII & Persecutor Of Roman Catholics In England.

Elizabeth I was succeeded by James VI of Scotland, the son of Mary Queen of Scots, who now became James I of England. Though James was a convinced Protestant, at the beginning of his reign the Catholics had great hopes of toleration, but these soon proved to be illusory. In 1605 came the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy by a number of  Catholics (the best known being Guy Fawkes) to blow up the corrupt Houses of Parliament when the puritan King and the members of Parliament were present.
The plot was discovered before it could be carried out and the conspirators were subsequently executed, but strong anti-Catholic feeling was aroused and the penal laws were strengthened and again enforced strictly. Nine of the present group of martyrs suffered in this reign, between 1604 and 1618, i.e. seven priests and two laymen. All of them were condemned under the act of 1585, merely for being priests or assisting priests.

The struggle to liberate the human mind from England’s imposed restraints in religion escalated in seventeenth-century England.

Freedom From England’s Puritan Tyranny


Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes (1570 – 1606)
Roman Catholic Guy Fawkes (1570 – 1606). Guy Fawkes was only 9 years older than Catholic Father Andrew White ( First in America to proclaim and to practice civil and religious liberty ~ Settled Maryland 1634) and 10 years older than George Calvert (First in America to proclaim and to practice civil and religious liberty Chartered By King Charles 1)
Five men plotted to kill James I and his advisers by blowing up the Houses of Parliament at the official opening of Parliament. They were led by Robert Catesby. The other plotters were Thomas Percy, Thomas Wintour, John Wright – and Guy Fawkes
The plotters rented a house next door to the Houses of Parliament. They planned to dig a tunnel so they could get the gunpowder from the cellar of the house to the House of Lords – but this didn’t work out because it took too long. So they came up with another plan.
Thomas Percy managed to get hold of a cellar that was directly underneath the House of Lords. Guy Fawkes became caretaker of the cellar and pretended he was Thomas Percy’s servant. He called himself John Johnson.
The plotters managed to hide 36 barrels of gunpowder under firewood in the cellar after taking them one by one across the River Thames in the night.
Everything was ready for the opening of Parliament on 5th November 1605!
They had to figure out what they wanted to happen after the King had been killed.
The whole plot came about because Catholics were being persecuted, so it was very important that the next ruler would be good to Catholics. They decided that Princess Elizabeth, one of King James’ daughters, should become Queen after the explosion. They arranged for arms and ammunition to be stored around the country for the Catholic people to use in case they had to fight to get Princess Elizabeth on the throne.
Unfortunately, these big plans meant that they needed money to buy the weapons and then they had to find good hiding places. So more people became involved in the plot.
The plotters were very careful about who they told and made sure they only shared their secret with their relatives or people they knew very well. One of these people was Francis Tresham.
Now, Tresham’s brother-in-law was Lord Monteagle. As the House of Lords was likely to be a pretty dangerous place on 5th November, it is believed that Tresham wrote to Lord Monteagle, warning him to stay away from the opening of Parliament – and that’s when people started to get a bit suspicious …
Lord Monteagle took the letter to Robert Cecil, who was Secretary of State for the King, and a search of the cellar was arranged.
On 4th November 1605, Guy Fawkes was in the cellar, preparing a special, slow-burning fuse for the big day. It was his job to light the fuse before making his escape to the continent.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door! Some men had been sent to search the cellar.
Luckily for Guy Fawkes, the gunpowder was very well hidden and all that could be seen was firewood. When the searchers left, he breathed a big sigh of relief and continued with his preparations, but …

… they hadn’t been fooled at all!
The searchers had noticed that there was an awful lot of firewood in that cellar and a further search was arranged. Guy Fawkes’ found himself face to face with a magistrate, who was accompanied by soldiers!He was quickly overpowered. The soldiers made a more thorough search and quickly found the barrels of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was arrested and taken away to be questioned by King James himself.
Guy Fawkes still insisted that his name was John Johnson – even when he was tortured – and he refused to reveal the names of the other plotters. He didn’t know that spies had been watching him and they already had a good idea who was in the gang.
Meanwhile, the other plotters heard about what was happening in London and hid in Holbeche House in Staffordshire with their followers. Soon, they found themselves surrounded by an army led by the Sheriff of Worcestershire.
Of the original plotters, Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy and John Wright were killed in the fighting that quickly followed. The surviving plotters, including Thomas Wintour, were taken prisoner. Wintour and Guy Fawkes were both hanged, drawn and quartered after their trial at the end of January 1606.
Now, do you remember that letter to Lord Monteagle? We know for sure that the letter existed because it’s kept in the Public Records Office today. It is very likely that it was written by Francis Tresham, because he was the only one of the plotters to escape execution. He was taken to the Tower of London instead. Some people say he died of poisoning, but others reckon he might have been allowed to escape as a reward for giving the warning. 

The Gunpowder Plot was really bad news for the ordinary Catholics. King James now began persecuting them more than ever!
In fact, corrupt power hungry England established a national holiday by burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes, it continues to this day!

England’s National Holiday ~ Guy Fawkes Night.
Guy Fawkes Night is annually held on November 5. It is sometimes known as Bonfire Night and marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks.

First President Of The United States Put A Fast End To “That Ridiculous And Childish Custom Of Burning The Effigy Of The Pope,” which was also a part of burning the effigy of Guy Fawkes.

On this day in 1775, Continental Army commander in chief General George Washington condemns his troops’ planned celebration of the British anti-Catholic holiday, Guy Fawkes Night.

In his general orders for the day, Washington criticized “that ridiculous and childish custom of burning the Effigy of the pope,” part of the traditional Guy Fawkes celebration. He went on to express his bewilderment that there could be “Officers and Soldiers in this army so void of common sense” and berated the troops for their inability to recognize that “defense of the general Liberty of America” demanded expressions of “public thanks” to the Canadian Catholics who Washington believed to be necessary allies, and wrote that he found “monstrous” any actions, which might “be insulting their Religion.”
On the night of November 5, 1605, the conspiracy by English Catholics to kill King James I and replace him with his Catholic daughter, Princess Elizabeth, was cut short by the arrest of Guy Fawkes, who had been charged with placing gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament. The plot involved digging a tunnel under the Palace of Westminster, filling it with gunpowder and then triggering a deadly explosion during the ceremonial opening of Parliament, which would have resulted in the death of not only James I, but also the leading Protestant nobility. From then on, November 5 was celebrated in Britain and its colonies with a bonfire burning either Guy Fawkes or the Roman Catholic Pope in effigy.

Tho the corrupt Puritan Parliament may have got Fawkes in 1606, this same corrupt Puritan Parliament, would be executed by King Charles II in 1660 for usurping the laws of England.

In a short 28 years later after the execution of Guy Fawkes, in what was to Become The United States Of America, Father Andrew White in 1634 stepped upon Maryland named after Henrietta Maria (King Charles 1~ Catholic Wife From France).
On the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, in the year 1634,” continues Father White, ” we celebrated on this island the first Mass which had been ever offered up in this part of the world.


No effigy here, the corrupt Puritans Of England Burnt AT The Stake Joan Of Arc aka; Maid Of Heaven; Maid Of Orleans! She Drove The English Out Of France And Saved Her Country. Then A Few Hundred Years Later Rothschild Trained Hitler Went Into France And The U.S. Drove Him Out.
Joan of Arc — the seventeen-year-old peasant girl, who, as she said herself, “did not know ‘A’ from ‘B’, ” but who, in a year and a month, crowned a reluctant king, rallied a broken people, reversed the course of a great war, and shoved history into a new path –what are we to make of her? The people who came after her in the five centuries since her death tried to make everything of her: demonic fanatic, spiritual mystic, naive and tragically ill-used tool of the powerful, creator and icon of modern popular nationalism, adored heroine, saint.
She insisted, even when threatened with torture and faced with death by fire, that she was guided by voices from God. Voices or no voices, her achievements leave anyone who knows her story shaking his head in amazed wonder.’
Joan was born into a poor common family in the peasant village of Domrémy in the French province of Lorraine in 1412. She grew up a simple but unusually devout farm child during the height of the Hundred Years’ War.
Disaster after disaster befell her native France — the English invaders and their Burgundian allies conquered and occupied the northern half of France including Paris. Dauphin Charles VII, the rightful but un-crowned king of France, set up the remnants of his royal court at the town of Chinon.
From here, this weak monarch of questionable competence tried to rule over the unoccupied rump of France. Starting in May, 1428, Joan, claiming that God was directing her through the saints, repeatedly approached the regional governor demanding that he send her to Charles at Chinon. She insisted that it was her divinely ordered mission to take charge of the French army, defeat the English, and escort Charles to Rheims to have him properly crowned king. In October 1428, the English and Burgundians began their siege of the city of Orléans, their last obstacle before overrunning the rest of France.
In February 1429, the governor finally relented to Joan and sent her to Chinon with a small escort. Upon arriving at Chinon, she presented herself to Charles with her hair cut short and wearing a man’s clothes, though she made it clear to all that she was in fact a girl. By April, she persuaded Charles to provide her with a horse, a suit of armor, and weapons, and to place her at the head of the army marching to rescue Orléans.
Upon arriving at Orléans, she proceeded to lead the army in an astounding series of victories that reversed the tide of the war. She was seventeen years old. In July 1429, she led the army and the timid Charles deep into English-occupied territory to the great cathedral at Rheims where France’s kings had been crowned for generations. With Joan in armor at his side, Charles received the crown. After thus becoming fully king, Charles sought to undercut Joan’s influence in any way he could.
To Joan’s rage, he opened negotiations with the English and Burgundians and disbanded the army while much of France was still under hostile occupation. Joan continued to make war on her own as the independent captain of a small band of mercenaries. It was in this capacity that she was taken prisoner by enemy soldiers at the Siege of Compiègne in May, 1430.
A church court of English-sponsored clerics convicted her of heresy and she died at the stake in May, 1431, at the age of nineteen. Charles resumed military operations and succeeded in driving the English from France by 1453, thus winning the Hundred Years’ War. In 1456, the Church revoked Joan’s conviction for heresy and proclaimed that she had been a good Christian and Catholic. The Church canonized her as a saint in 1920.
By the order of Pope Calixtus in 1455, the Trial & condemnation of Jeanne d’Arc at Rouen, which had taken place twenty-four years before, was reconsidered by a great court of lawyers and churchmen, and the condemnation of Jeanne was solemnly annulled and declared wicked and unjust.
The Severe Persecution Of Roman Catholics In England, Allowed Them Dispensation From King Charles 1st., To Leave England And Settle In What Was To Become Maryland In 1634. This Was 98 Years Before The Birth Of George Washington And 142 Years before The Declaration Of Independence In 1776.

King Charles 1st  Reigned In England From 1625 to 1649.

 King Charles 1st In 1649 Would Follow Guy Fawkes in Being Decapitated, For Allowing The Roman Catholics To Flee Religious Persecution From The Corrupt Puritan’s Parliament. Puritans Were Loyal Protestants Of Anti-Catholic King Henry VIII & Queen Elizabeth 1st.

King Charles II Son Of King Charles 1st.

The Corrupt Puritan Parliament Was Dealt A Swift Blow For Treason & Regicide By King Charles II.

When Charles II returned to become king of England in 1660, those men who had signed his father’s death warrant (and were still alive) were tried as regicides (the murderer of a king) and executed.

Anyone associated with the execution of Charles was put on trial. The only people to escape were the executioners as no-one knew who they were as they wore masks during the execution.

Maryland, USA was named after King Charles’s wife (Henrietta Maria), when King Charles was decapitated she entered a Convent in France. She returned several times to England in 1660, to see her eldest son crowned King Charles II and her younger son crowned King James II who ruled from 1685 to 1688.

The Executioner Of King Charles 1st Could Not Be Identified, As For The First Time A Mask Was Allowed! Many Others Would Not Act As An Executioner Of A King As They  Did Not Want To Be Associated With Such A Grievous Wrong! The Masked Real Executioner Was Bribed With £100 To Do The Dirty Deed.

The Piece Of Shit Leader Who Usurped The Country’s Laws To Kill A King Was Oliver Cromwell!

The English Puritans under Cromwell engaged in pure and simple genocide Of Roman Catholics in Ireland – 40,000 victims killed or sold as slaves in 1649 in the Oradours of Drogheda and Wexford alone.

It Would Not Be Until 1606, When Guy Fawkes a Roman Catholic, Fought Back Against The Corrupt Puritan British Parliament, That The Universal Symbol Of Resistance To Tyranny Would Be Born.

American Revolution

It Was Roman Catholic George Calvert who was the first person to dream of a colony in America where Catholics and Protestants could prosper together. George Calvert Received This Charter From King Charles 1st In 1633 To Establish And Settle Maryland For The Purpose Of Religious Freedom. 1632

Roman Catholic George Calvert, First Lord Baltimore (c. 1580-1632)

The Severe Persecution Of Roman Catholics In England, Allowed Them Dispensation From King Charles 1st., To Leave England And Settle In What Was To Become Maryland In 1634. This Was 98 Years Before The Birth Of George Washington And 142 Years before The Declaration Of Independence In 1776.
Charles I signed the Charter of Maryland in 1635, making George Calvert and his heirs Proprietors of Maryland. But George Calvert died before the Charter was ready to be signed.
George’s son, Cecil Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore, recieved the province of Maryland from King Charles I. During his reign, Charles I made certain that Cecil Calvert could maintain control of his colony. However, the English Civil Wars between Parliament and Charles I, left the possession of the Maryland Province in question. You see the question arose when the evil Puritan Parliament committed regicide by decapitating King Charles 1. King Charles Was posthumusley vindicated when those involved in the decapitation, were themselves executed by King Charles II.

Catholic Maryland: The First Tolerant American Colony

A. Patrick O’Hare
“Catholics . . . were the first in America to proclaim and to practice civil and religious liberty . . . The colony established by Lord Baltimore (Who Was George Calvert’s Son ~ Cecil Calvert) in Maryland granted civil and religious liberty to all who professed different beliefs . . . At that very time the Puritans of New England and the Episcopalians of Virginia were busily engaged in persecuting their brother Protestants for consciences’ sakes and the former were . . . hanging `witches’.” (50:300-01)
B. Martin Marty (P)
“Baltimore . . . welcomed, among other English people, even the Catholic-hating Puritans  . . . In January of 1691 . . . the new regime brought hard times for Catholics as the Protestants closed their church, forbade them to teach in public . . . but . . . the little outpost of practical Catholic tolerance had left its mark of promise on the land.” 
C. John Tracy Ellis
“For the first time in history . . . all churches would be tolerated, and . . . none would be the agent of the government . . . Catholics and Protestants side by side on terms of equality and toleration unknown in the mother country . . . The effort proved vain; for . . . the Puritan element . . . October, 1654, repealed the Act of Toleration and outlawed the Catholics . . . condemning ten of them to death, four of whom were executed . . . From . . . 1718 down to the outbreak of the Revolution, the Catholics of Maryland were cut off from all participation in public life, to say nothing of the enactments against their religious services and . . . schools for Catholic instruction . . . During the half-century the Catholics had governed Maryland they had not been guilty of a single act of religious oppression.” 
D. Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (P)
“In the 17th century the most notable instances of practical toleration were the colonies of Maryland, founded by Lord Baltimore in 1632 for persecuted Catholics, which offered asylum also to Protestants, and of Rhode Island, founded by Roger Williams.” (78:1383)
Stories of Protestant intolerance in America prior to 1789 could be multiplied indefinitely. Jefferson and Madison, in pushing for complete religious freedom, were reacting primarily to these inter-Protestant wars for dominance, not the squabbles of post-Reformation Europe. Here we are concerned with the immediate era of the Protestant Revolution – roughly 1517 to 1600, so the above anecdotes will have to suffice as altogether typical examples.
Father Andrew White  (1579-1656), on March 25, 1634, celebrated the first Catholic mass in Maryland to thank God for their safe landing in fleeing from British persecution. They made a treaty with the Yaocomico Indians for land at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. There they stayed, and built the new town called St. Mary’s City. 1634 – They reached their destination on the banks of the Potomac, in 1634.

“This colony of British Catholics was the first to establish on American soil the blessings of civil and religious liberty.

Great-Grandfather Of President George Washington ~ John Washington (Essex, England 1631 – Virginia 1677) , arrives in America on 1657.

Grandfather Of President George Washington Is born Lawrence Washington ( Westmoreland County Virginia 1659 – 1697)

Father Of President George Washington Is Born Augustine Washington (Virginia 1694 – April 12, 1743)


Further penal laws are passed in Ireland. More restrictions are placed on Catholics. They are not allowed to buy land, inherit from Protestants or lease it for more than 31 years. They not allowed to leave land to a single heir but land must be divided among all their sons (or daughters if they don’t have any).
A ‘sacramental test’ means Catholics are not allowed to hold public office. The test also applies to Protestant dissenters (those who do not belong to the State Church of Ireland) Finally in 1740-1741 the severe famine affects Ireland, due to England confiscating Land From The Catholics, About 400,000 Catholics die.


President George Washington Is Born (Virginia February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799)

George Washington Completes William Wallace’s Fight For Freedom, In The Establishment Of The Unites States Of America!

Order in Quarters issued by General George Washington, November 5, 1775:
As the Commander in Chief has been apprized of a design form’d for the observance of that ridiculous and childish custom of burning the Effigy of the Pope–He cannot help expressing his surprise that there should be Officers and Soldiers in this army so void of common sense, as not to see the impropriety of such a step at this Juncture; at a Time when we are solliciting, and have really obtain’d, the friendship and alliance of the people of Canada, whom we ought to consider as Brethren embarked in the same Cause.
The defence of the general Liberty of America: At such a juncture, and in such Circumstances, to be insulting their Religion, is so monstrous, as not to be suffered or excused; indeed instead of offering the most remote insult, it is our duty to address public thanks to these our Brethren, as to them we are so much indebted for every late happy Success over the common Enemy in Canada.
Washington was the strongest denouncers of insult to Catholicism after the war broke out, and later stopped his soldiers from burning the Pope on Guy Fawkes’ Day ~ which was a British puritan ritual based upon King Henry VIII’s stance against The Pope after The Church denied him a divorce.
So Henry started his own church called Anglican. The Roman Catholics landed in America for Religious Freedom on 1634 In Maryland/Washington D.C. ~ The Anti Catholic Puritans landed in Massachusetts in 1620 but not for religious freedom.
“O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased thy great goodness to keep and preserve me the night past from all the dangers poor mortals are subject to, and has given me sweet and pleasant sleep, whereby I find my body refreshed and comforted for performing the duties of this day, in which I beseech thee to defend me from all perils of body and soul.
Direct my thoughts, words and work. Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the lamb, and purge my heart by thy Holy Spirit, from the dross of my natural corruption, that I may with more freedom of mind and liberty of will serve thee, the ever lasting God, in righteousness and holiness this day, and all the days of my life.
Increase my faith in the sweet promises of the Gospel. Give me repentance from dead works. Pardon my wanderings, & direct my thoughts unto thyself, the God of my salvation. Teach me how to live in thy fear, labor in thy service, and ever to run in the ways of thy commandments. Make me always watchful over my heart, that neither the terrors of conscience, the loathing of holy duties, the love of sin, nor an unwillingness to depart this life, may cast me into a spiritual slumber.
But daily frame me more and more into the likeness of thy son Jesus Christ, that living in thy fear, and dying in thy favor, I may in thy appointed time attain the resurrection of the just unto eternal life. Bless my family, friends & kindred unite us all in praising & glorifying thee in all our works begun, continued, and ended, when we shall come to make our last account before thee blessed Savior, who hath taught us thus to pray, our Father.”
— President George Washington 1752

Guy Fawkes Masks

Was The Wall Street Anonymous Rally Real Or Memorex aka; Staged?

Some Say It Is So!

Occupy Wall Street is FAKE, organized

See The Comparative Pictures Here. Now Compare Those photos with the very first photo of Americans marching against Obama on September 12, 2009. Remembering The Beginning Of Warnings!
Talk about irony.  The millionaires at 55 Wall Street (who live well thanks to taxpayer bailouts) drink champagne and mock the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protesters below, many of whom are strident capitalists demanding an end to stealth Wall Street bailouts by the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury.
Banksters On Balcony Drink Champagne And Mock Wall Street Protesters

Here are some stills from the protest as the crowd went by 55 Wall St.

There were a LOT of people there protesting. They were concerned, making a statement with their feet and their voice as we are still allowed to do in this great country. Yet I am ashamed for the people on the balcony.
Who occupies 55 Wall Street? The sprawling, historic Manhattan building is home to the Ciprion Club Residences, a private club as well as residence to Wall Street’s élite.
Gathered on the balconies of this home of the rich, men in suits and tuxedos as well as women in silk dresses and business suits, casually sipped on their glasses while smiling and taking pictures, seemingly oblivious to the fight of the 99 percent.
The club has a total of 106 residences (living quarters) and their website asserts, “The club will provide you with everything essential to live the good life.”
The most seditious piece of Rothschild propaganda ever leveled at The United States Citizens – You know, The “ONES” who ‘OWN’ The Federal Government.
Check Out The Federal Government Elected CEO ~ Bush ~ As He Reports To The U.S. Citizens – Runs 1 minute.

