Indications of Spiritual Transformation

A spiritual awakening is when a person's attitude towards the world and life in general, shifts and perhaps changes forever. 
But what does spiritual mean, and how does it relate to a spiritual awaking? Spiritual means something that speaks to your soul or psyche that isn't necessarily material or physical. So, simply put, a spiritual awakening is a process of change in your beliefs or within your spiritual life.
People usually live their lives however they want to, or however they were taught. They have their values and use them as their guide to living, and there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that. But, often there comes a time when something happens, and a person’s psychic awakening is triggered. While some people may be lucky to go through it without pain or sorrow, many have to suffer first before they can see the light.  
A spiritual transformation can take all of that trust away, leaving people lost. When we have trust in people and things, we feel in control. However, the absence of trust can become terrifying. The challenge is not just about navigating the world, it is about dealing with the loss of the people and objects that we used to want and love. Awakening can mean losing everything you previously loved and cared about, not knowing if they will be replaced or not. 
They are going to be replaced in due time, but perhaps not in the way that you think. You lose people because they are not meant to be in your life. You lose them not because it was your fault, but because they no longer serve their purpose. 

You’re feeling a lot of pain about your being

Spiritual transformation may make you more sensitive and more aware. Even the most outgoing individuals become delicate and withdrawn. It is a phase that they have to go through to realize what they need and don’t need in their lives. 
Taking a step back from your usual crowd may be the first step. Being away from people and isolating yourself may look bad to those around you, but it is sometimes the only thing that can save you from feeling worse. It may be the only way that can lead you back to yourself and discovering who you really are inside. 
When it seems as if nothing you do is right and everything about you causes you some sort of pain, then stop and think. Look at the bright side of things. You are hurting now because something is not meant for you. You have to learn to let go in order to become a new person, a better person for yourself.
