Have a Healthy Spirit by Practicing Spirituality

Ancient cultures and religions have stated the importance – time and time again – about how our minds, bodies, and spirits are connected. Any imbalances in the flow between these lead us to not feeling the best versions of ourselves, and to physical limitations manifesting. Spiritual people have been shown to lead much healthier lives, are less prone to gambling and drug abuse, and have a higher level of satisfaction in their lives.

What Is Spiritual Health?

There is no concrete way to define or explain what spiritual health by measurable terms, but broadly speaking, spiritual health is tied to the sense of our souls being connected to the universe and beyond. As spirits, we are a small part of the universe and our spiritual health influences our purpose, existence, and how we look at our experiences and relationships in life.

How Spirituality Enhances Your Health?

Spiritually builds upon our belief systems and builds up willpower and grit – qualities essential in overcoming the hard obstacles in life. There are benefits concerning cognitive and emotional health. Spiritual teens and adults have been proven to perform well academically and lead overall productive lives. Research shows that in some cases spirituality promotes deeper healing and cleansing, making patients feel better.
In a nutshell, since spirituality is a personal practice by many, how it enhances your health will depend on your methods, frequency of practice, and overall philosophies.

Physical Health

Researchers have studied the relationship between spirituality and health and there is a growing body of evidence that shows it helps. Here is how it impacts your physical health:
  • Improves Immunity
Taking walks in nature and praying are known to boost immunity and fight against diseases. Dr Kelly Turner, PhD, author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds says that when you pray or meditate deeply, your body and mind relax and de-stress. The body’s fight-or-flight response subsides, and the body’s cells go into the rest-and-repair mode. This allows the immune system to heal your entire body. Thus, meditation and prayer are incredibly beneficial for healing, and also preventing stress or sickness.
  • Promotes Longevity
Practising spirituality also means inculcating positive habits like eating healthy and exercising. These have shown to improve the quality of life and to promote longevity. According to one study which consisted of over 191 male participants with congestive heart failure, the risk of death lowered by 20% in those who had practised spirituality a few times a week.
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
Spirituality reduces stress levels and triggers the relaxation response in the body. This ends up lower your blood pressure by allowing the blood vessels to relax and improve blood flow.
